Mc Hugh’s Off-Licence is committed to protecting the privacy of those using our Site.
The information that you provide about yourself to Mc Hugh’s Off-Licence will only be used by Mc Hugh’s Off-Licence in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of personal information by Mc Hugh’s Off-Licence.
We never make your personal details available to companies outside Mc Hugh’s Off-Licence for marketing purposes, although our representatives and agencies may hold your data so that your details can be kept up to date, your orders processed and emails sent on behalf of Mc Hugh’s Off-Licence. Personal information is also used for shipping orders to customers in respect of purchases made by them or for them, sending confirmation details for those purchases to the customer making the purchase and for processing orders and payments.
All information is kept in compliance with the Data Protection (Amendment) Act, 2003.